Professional Consulting Services

Learn how digital marketing has changed.
Find out why you can't get into the inbox.
Get a review of your entire digital marketing footprint.
See where improvements are needed.

Give Your Marketing Worries To Us.
Good things happen when
we get involved.

There is a 100.0% chance your deliverability is suffering. Getting upset at the ISP won't help fix it. Most marketers get the feeling that "something just isn't right" but they can't put their finger on it. They see their campaign stats and know it could be better. Where is the problem? It could It could be weak deliverability due to a DNS issue, a low response rate because of a latency issue, some bad addresses getting onto a list and causing an IRR flag, etc.

Do you have access to the 1,621+ sites, systems, and services that might be causing the problem? We do and we can quickly tell you what is wrong. These problems happen to every professional marketing team and if left unchecked the problems escalate and get dug-in, sometimes so badly it can't be fixed - ever. Don't let it get that far. Our job is to give you the answers and then point you in the right direction to the fix.

Think of us as the "eye in the sky" that watches over your day-to-day operations while helping increase ROI by giving you the heads-up when something goes wrong and point you to the fix. Our clients find improvements starting within a week and after a month they look back in amazement knowing all the performance suggestions they received paid off big. It's your turn to be part of that success.

End-to-End Review

$495, $2995, or $9995 packages (For a day, week, or month).
Chances are good that you have not done a true end-to-end technology analysis of your marketing campaigns. Now is the time to start. Every marketing department has email delivery issues and almost all of them do not have the time, knowledge, or staff needed to figure out what is wrong. Regardless of how many places you check for blocks, graylists, blacklists, reputation hits, etc. you are likely are overlooking at least 900+ other services, databases, and listings.


Our three packages help small and large organizations get their marketing back on track.

$495 "one day" package. This is for clients that want a quick but in-depth review of their domain and IP reputation along with technical configuration checks. We go all-in with a 530+ item check/evaluation for a 24 hour period to find as many deliverabillty issues as possible. Many clients start out with this package to see how good we are and then move up to one of the more thorough packages below.

$2995 "one week" package. This is a more thorough scan because it gives us time to see how your mailings perform along with analyzing 1,630 different data points, blacklists, reputation sites, ISP-only private black/block lists, etc. Plus we check technical configurations to make sure you are operating at peak performance.

$9995 "one month" package. This is the "turn over every possible stone" service that many major mailers use. Publishers, retailers, or companies with a high monthly volume of email need to get the very best inboxing possible and this package gives us the time needed to check over 1,621 deliverability items. All of the above package features are included as well as an extensive review of your entire digital marketing operations.

Why Are We Better....

We know "the code" We are better than any competing service because we know the secret handshake (and yes, those things really do exist). Many ISP-level blacklists are not even public and if you found them you need an ASN or true ISP-level credentials to establish a dialog with the administrator. This holds true for hundreds of similar blacklist or reputation-based services. Without credentials, and without being considered an ISP (or having ISP-type credentials) your requests for assistance will be routed to /dev/null (nowhere). Our team spent thirty years building relationships, integrations, and monitors to uncover things that most never even dream of finding. There are also hundreds of non-block-related services that have to be checked and monitored around the clock in order to achieve free-flowing deliverability. Checking the public block monitors is nice but that's about 5% of the real world. For example, the IRR is a service that only the big online services like Microsoft, Google, Yahoo/AOL, etc can access. We can too.

We make it easy to understand. We use our 30+ years experience in this field to find the issues that are causing your deliverability or response rates to suffer. Once found, we coach you on what needs to be done to mitigate the problem. (we are available for an extra fee to do the work for you, please inquire if needed). It is usually not difficult to fix the issues once they are found - the trick is to know who to contact, what to say, what to do before contacting them, and what to expect. Some fixes take hours, others take weeks depending on how "dug in" your issues are. In some cases you may have been doing something so bad that the ISPs want you to change your ways before they open the doors and the mail flow again. Either way we will coach you on what to do.

Don't be like Vinny! We often hear things like "Well my cousin Vinny is an IT guru and he can fix all of this" and our response is "good luck with that!" and usually in a week they come back and sign-up. Why? because their cousin was quickly turned away from Google or Microsoft because they didn't know what to say or how to phrase the mitigation request. There is a lot more involved in just filling out a form to get some issues fixed.

What Do We Look For?

Depending on the package you choose, we test up to 2,600+ items, including, but not limited to....

(HINT: Those "freebie" monitoring services only check about 5% of these.....)

● Examine 800+ blacklisting / blocking services (public and private, including ISP-only services)
● Examine 87 reputation systems (public, private, 3rd party, and scorekeeper systems)
● DNS Configuration, timing, "A" record drop-outs, redundancy tests, alignment, etc.
● SPF examination for breakage (80% of companies have this problem), plus DKIM, DMARC, BIMI analysis on seed tests
● Extensive 47-point content analysis for trap words/phrases, HTML technical accuracy, all links examined to their endpoints, etc
● Header analysis of all messages sent to seeds to spot technical issues (often found)
● Security analysis of your site including light-pen testing (heavy if you allow it), plug-in testing, web server configuration checks, SSL cert analysis, etc,
● Exam of your "neighborhood" (who else is hosted on same server or network) to see if their site/mailings cause "guilt by assocaition" issues)
● Forward testing of content across multiple ISPs to determine SPF and DKIM breakge
● Image analysis and examination on antispam systems such as Barracuda, BitDefender, McAfee, etc. (issues found 65% of the time)
● 24 month "lookback" on reputation and block history with major blacklists and reputation sites (to determine if deeply-rooted blocks may exist)
● Seed tests for "message vanishing" events (huge issue where you don't know if a message is delivered or just deleted by the ISP or online service)
● Classic "BOM" issue with message sends (30% of all message senders seem to have this issue) - we will show how to easily fix.
● Based on our findings, many other automated tests/checks/exams of your messages, site, neighbors, network, historical behavior, etc.

Who Needs Some Help?

You are busy doing what you do best and new tools and services for marketers are popping up daily. It's hard to keep up. If you find yourself in a spot where you need answers but don't have time to find them, we are here to help. We have a special team of experts that have their ear to the rail and watch for problemss 24/7. They will show you how to fix the issues and if you can't fix them yourself - they will introduce you to the people who do. You could spend a week looking for a needle in a haystack when we can find it in under five minutes. This is how the pro's stay on top - they let other pro's guide them. Be the pro!


Maybe your list is getting old and needs refreshing? We will point you to the good list cleaners/validators. Or maybe you need to learn how the new multi-dimensional link tracking works (it's real cool), or maybe there is a tool or service you wish you had but you can't find it. Leave those tasks to us and we will help point you in the right direction. Bring us on board for the kind of consulting that makes you money, reduces your stress, or answers those long sought after questions.


Priced affordably to keep your marketing on the right path.

Most companies lose out on a lot sales because the email they send is lost due to a misconfiguration, blocks, reputation issues, 3rd party filters, or hundreds of other technical mishaps. Our service is priced to get your marketing train back on the tracks and keep you there for the long term. We don't just show you the problems, we educate you on how to fix them, keep them fixed, and follow best practices. We teach your IT team what not to do, and give you a sense of well-being knowing that we have your back. When you have a heart problem you don't go to a back-alley doctor, you go to the best. The same applies for improving your deliverability - it takes real professionals to uncover what everyone overlooks.


Delivery Boost #1: $495 One-day in-depth review. Scan for 530+ issues that impact deliverability and suggest how to fix them.
Items covered: Public and private IP reputation, domain reputation, blacklists, blocklists, 3rd party filtering services.

Delivery Boost #2: $2,995 One-week in-depth review. Scan for 1,120 issues that impact deliverability and suggest how to fix them.
Items covered: Public and private IP reputation, domain reputation, blacklists, blocklists, 3rd party filtering services, content analysis, links/backlinks, ESP issues.

Delivery Boost #3 $9,995 One-month complete review. Scan for 1,621 issues that impact deliverability and we handle the fixes (where allowed).
Items covered: Public and private IP reputation, domain reputation, blacklists, blocklists, 3rd party filtering services, content analysis, image analysis, link/backlink test and scoring, ESP issues, network security, browser configurations and tests, DNS issues (worldwide analysis), hosting provider tests (colleteral damage from co-hosted sites)

Please read our terms of service regarding service guarantees and disclaimers on fixing issues we find.


Success Stories

We get a real thrill when we hear our clients say they are seeing results. It's just so rewarding to know our hard work is paying off. The same holds true for you, too. When you become a client, chances are pretty good you will be seeing the same results as shown below.


The Case of the Missing Messages


This client came to us knowing there was something wrong but did not have the time, nor the knowledge of where the problem was. They signed up for our three month tune-up service and we went to work immediately. Within five minutes after they submitted all the details on their company and marketing campaigns we spotted the problem. It was fairly well hidden so most people would overlooked it and kept searching for months. We contacted the 3rd party blacklist administrator and worked things out to give the client free-flowing mail again. Within just two days the client was seeing open rates skyrocket and new orders come in. What a great feeling it is to be able to help clients this fast and this substantially. In addition to finding the cause of the bigger issue, we found a half-dozen other issues which only made things even better. The client then signed up for our comprehensive annual service and is enjoying the 24x7x365 support.


The ISP That Would Not Listen


We hear this complaint all the time and it's usually about one of the big five online services that just won't fix a block no matter how hard the sender tries. We were contacted by this client on a weekend and the client was in a panic. They sent a mailing the prior week and they included the wrong list with the mailing and complaints rolled in. The same day that happened a major ISP decided to "dim" their reputation and inbox deliveries. The client contacted the ISP a half-dozen times and tried to explain the problem but the ISP did not budge, the dimming continued. Soon after, the client was seeing a 30% drop in open rates and sales went to the floor. Not good! The client knew they have been having problems for years so they signed up with our comprehensive annual service and we immediately got to work. Our first task was to smooth out the wrinkle with the ISP, and we did. The next day the primary issue was resolved and the open rates went back to "normal" (for them). But we were suspicious as the "normal" open rate seemed pretty low. Our deliverability team ran an end-to-end scan on the client and found several glaring issues that would cause weak inbox deliveries and heavy junking. We raised the issues with the client and worked with them and their technical team to resolve them. Within two weeks their open rates had jumped by 40% and they were seeing a strong flow of visitors to their website. Since the client was on our comprehensive service we helped fine-tune their campaigns, procedures, and technical setup throughout the year and provided ISP mitigation as needed. The client was overjoyed, and still is, and we are happy for them.


The "Something is wrong, I can feel it" clients.


This is another common phrase we hear. Many marketers just don't have the time, patience, and experience to look everywhere to find out if there are problems with their campaign. Their ESP says things are fine, and their seed addresses are fine, but they feel something is off, but what is it? They checked all the blacklists, whitelists, bounces, etc. but something just doesn't seem right with the campaign results. Our chief investigators love this kind of task because it does take very intensive analysis, scans, ISP consultations, etc. It took several days and several dozen sample mailings until the problems started to appear. We found the client had several of the newer "smoldering traps" which don't do anything until several days of receiving messages. After reviewing the clients mailing list and the subscriber history we were able to find the trap. They signed up for the comprehensive service to leave all that hard deliverability work to us - and we are happy to do it.


Other success stories are available. Please let us know your troubles and we can likely find a perfect matching story that shows the resolution.


We Don't Judge - but - We do Turn Some Business Away


We have to say this because many companies send completely unsolicited emails, ignore complaints, and basically don't care about the members on their list. We will review your company practices before we decide if we will take you on as a client. If we find the ISP community is furious at your behavior, we will politely say no thank you. Some mailers can not be helped because of the damage they have done to their reputation. Once it reaches a tipping point and the ISPs start to block everything you send - the game is over and help will be hard to find.